Shipping Policy

Free shipping for Domestic Orders (U.S, U.S. Virgin Islands & Puerto Rico) $75 or more. We also offer limited International Orders (Australia, Bahamas, Canada, France, Mexico & United Kingdom).

Please verify that your address is correct we cannot be held responsible for mailing delays due to incorrect or undeliverable addresses.

U.S, U.S. Virgin Islands & Puerto Rico only.
Limited International shipping to Australia, Bahamas, Canada, France, Mexico & United Kingdom.

Your items will ship in 3-5 business days.
Once your items have been shipped you will receive a shipping notification and tracking number.

Returns & Exchanges

Due to the nature of this type of personal care item, we do not accept returns or exchanges. Orders can only be cancelled prior to shipment. 

If you are not satisfied with your purchase, based on scent, color, texture and/or personal preference please contact us so that we can try to find an appropriate solution. 

Care Instructions

Please be aware when shipping to warm climates or summer months: The surrounding temperature effects the consistency of your product. If your product softens due to exposure to warmer temperatures, just place it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes and it will return to a more solid state. This will not damage the product or alter its effectiveness. 


Please only use this product for its intended purpose. Nua Baa FiFi, LLC accepts no liability and shall not be held responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses resulting from the use of products purchased from this shop. Purchasing shop products signifies your acceptance of this statement and releases Nua Baa FiFi LLC from all liability.